How can you save energy if you are heating a house?
Liquefied gas installations are one of the most comfortable and popular methods of heating used in Poland. They are fully automatic as well as ecological. And what can you do to further reduce the cost? Check out the 6 ways to save on the heating bills.
LPG is used in millions of Polish homes for cooking and it is also a great source of energy for heating your home. The clean gas combustion and automatic operation of the liquefied gas tank installations make them an attractive alternative for people who value their time and comfort. Is this solution suitable for people who like to save?
Heating your home - what source of heating should you choose?
One of the cheapest ways of heating is by using coal. However, it's worth remembering that burning coal causes significant pollution of the air we breathe. Additionally, more and more areas in Poland prohibits the use of coal furnaces in new buildings because of air pollution. Electric heating is much more expensive than using liquefied gas. Also the popular heat pumps are more expensive than a liquefied gas installation if you take into account the cost of purchasing and installing the heating equipment. Moreover, a heat pump will not work if the temperature drops below -10oC. Fuel oil heating is similar in price to LPG heating systems but in order to use it you need a separate room in the house for storage of the oil.
If you use LPG for heating, the daily duties connected with maintenance disappear - such as taking out the ash and other waste. You do not need a separate room for storage. It is also worth remembering that if you heat your home using a liquefied gas tank installation, you can use this source of energy to heat water, too.
1. Don't let the building get too cold
Try to keep the temperature at home at a steady level. The temperature in the building shouldn't drop too much, because heating the space up will consume more energy then keeping a steady moderately low temperature.
2. Insulate and seal
During the heating season you should try to prevent the cold air from entering the building. It is recommended to seal the windows with a special foam or rubber. You will also notice huge savings if you decide to insulate the building.
3. Choose the right temperature
The "right temperature" is very subjective but usually the ideal temperature for the living room is 22oC, for the bathroom – 24oC, whereas in the bedroom 18oC is usually sufficient.
4. Use thermal switches
Modern heating systems should be equipped with switches fitted on each radiator. They allow automatic control over the temperature. Please note that such devices must be fitted by a qualified professional.
5. Short but intensive airing
In order to air your home with the lowest possible heat loss, air the rooms intensively but for a short time only. Such airing should only last a few minutes. Open a few windows fully, so that the air can get to other rooms, too.
6. Bleed the heaters
Air may get inside the heaters and cause uneven heat distribution. Characteristic sounds - humming, whistling and bubbling noises - are a signal that it is time to bleed the radiator.
Now you know how to save energy while heating your home. Maybe you'd like to learn how much you would pay for heating your home using liquefied gas? If so, contact us at AmeriGas.
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